Motorcycle Spark Plugs

Motorcycle Spark Plugs

Spark plugs have to withstand temperatures far in excess of 2000Β°C and pressures of 70 bar and above in the engine's combustion chambers, not to mention the chemical stress resulting from the combustion process. So it's no wonder that they eventually wear out. When the time comes, you should always use high-quality replacement spark plugs. If you shop at Louis, you can be sure that the spark plugs you buy will give you long and reliable service. The Louis Bike Database shows you which spark plugs you need for your machine.

Box for Spark Plug
RRP €12.60 from €11.761
product SAE NUT
Spark Plug
RRP €3.35 from €1.671
Spark Plug
from €2.511
Motorcycle Spark Plugs

Spark plugs have to withstand temperatures far in excess of 2000Β°C and pressures of 70 bar and above in the engine's combustion chambers, not to mention the chemical stress resulting from the combustion process. So it's no wonder that they eventually wear out. When the time comes, you should always use high-quality replacement spark plugs. If you shop at Louis, you can be sure that the spark plugs you buy will give you long and reliable service. The Louis Bike Database shows you which spark plugs you need for your machine.

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