Motorcycle Protector Jackets & Vests

Motorcycle Protector Jackets & Vests

Safety is paramount when riding a motorcycle, which is why protectors are basically indispensable. Protector jackets are a very good alternative to integrated back protectors. Especially under textile garments with a more casual cut, protector jackets or vests ensure that the individual protectors are held firmly in position. You can find many protector jackets and vests from various brands at Louis. If you're in any doubt about which to choose, you can order two different models from Louis by mail order and try them on. Louis will take back any item that doesn't fit or which you don't like. By the way: A genuine protector must conform to the DIN EN 1621 standard and must carry a CE mark of approval.

Baseframe Pro D3O protector jacket
RRP €235.29 €197.471
Bionic Plus V2
RRP €180.63 €162.561
Bionic Pro V2
RRP €201.64 €181.481
Bionic Pro V3 protector jkt
RRP €218.45 €196.611
Elite Ladies Shirt, Level AAA
Elite Leggings, Level AAA
Elite Shirt, Level AAA
Essential Leggings, Level AA
ONEAL Underdog V.24 protector jacket
RRP €134.45 €99.151
Pro-Armor Safety Jacket 2.0
RRP €209.24 €188.991
Protector Jacket
Super Shield
Protector Vest
Super Shield
RPS AFT D3O, protector shirt
Standard R Jacket, Level AA
Standard R Leggings, Level AA
Titan Sport Protector Jacket
RRP €151.25 €121.001
VXP-1 protection jacket
RRP €168.06 €105.031
VXP-2 protection vest, ladies
VXP-2 protection vest, men
Womens Vest
RRP €134.45 €67.221
Motorcycle Protector Jackets & Vests

Safety is paramount when riding a motorcycle, which is why protectors are basically indispensable. Protector jackets are a very good alternative to integrated back protectors. Especially under textile garments with a more casual cut, protector jackets or vests ensure that the individual protectors are held firmly in position. You can find many protector jackets and vests from various brands at Louis. If you're in any doubt about which to choose, you can order two different models from Louis by mail order and try them on. Louis will take back any item that doesn't fit or which you don't like. By the way: A genuine protector must conform to the DIN EN 1621 standard and must carry a CE mark of approval.

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